Some Stuff I Have Been Meaning to Post But Not Got Round to Doing So Yet. Until now.
- New RIPA legislation used to demand PGP key from animal rights activist, which raises the old issues: What if someone else put that file on hard drive? What if I forgot my password? Can self-destructing keys be made user friendly?
- Terrorist suspect banned from taking chemistry course, as he might use the knowledge for Bad Things. The appeal points out that this is freely-available information. Probably also been restricted to using only chopsticks, and definitely no Laser Pointers.
- Tracking people with a Bluetooth array. The stats page is the pretty, fun part. This can also get taken to a whole new level, of course. Where does one draw the line between pervasive computing, and invasive computing?
- 10 Zen Monnkeys have an interview with the guy behind the Aqua Teen terrorist alerts in Boston