Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Leave yer attitude at the door

Man, I hate Bluewater shopping centre. But anyway. Hooded tops, baseball caps and swearing have been banned there in a police-backed decision. Apparently the 400, constantly-monitored CCTV cameras and the "dedicated on-site team" of Police have actually done.. not a lot. So now they're drawing up a "code of conduct" (i.e. their own law) to stop people from being antisocial (including smoking, leafleting or canvassing).

This is our nation's future, right here. When we've fallen apart so much we don't know how to treat each other, the only solution left is more and more stringent rules to keep out the people we've already kept out for ages. Hardware and force are our new-age replacements for commitment to society, and arrogant selfishness embeds itself firmly as the mantra of the masses.

1 comment:

Scribe said...

From the BBC Feedback topic, "Bob" from Pittsburgh, USA comments well:

"I see a society in very deep trouble if they must ban caps and hoods to feel safe."

(Of course, if the hoodie-wearing hoodlums were smarter, they'd start wearing suits to try and get businessmen banned... ;)